Thursday, November 10, 2011

Rick Perry's Economic Plan -- I Can't. Oops

I guess I won't have to research his plan. Yeah--it's like having a snow day!

In case you haven't heard, Rick Perry had a horrible debate, and his stock on Intrade has nosedived more than 50%. The downside to this situation is that Newt Gingrich will soon be the presumed contender to Romney. I can't stand Newt.

"Ah shoulda stuck with two depar'mints."

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, this was bad. Everyone is talking about this. Romney even tried to "trip" Perry up further with that EPA answer, lol. Nice. :-) Cain should send Perry a gift basket.
    Everyone is talking about another poor Perry debate and not Cain's honey bunnies. Oops indeed.


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