Monday, January 30, 2012

End of newt

"I'm perfectly happy to talk about this in an interview on some TV show, but this is a national debate..."--Gingrich
I'm so tired of  politicians being two-faced. We should definitely being holding them accountable for the shit they say and they do. Newt wouldn't be on that stage if Republicans hadn't given him a pass on all his lies and corruption and grandiosity just for the enjoyment of watching him spew sizzling insults at conservatives' favorite targets.

Republicans, are you sated yet? Ready to seriously look at candidates, and not just vent your pent-up feelings? Gringrich, who's been encouraged by his high standing in national polls and win in S. Carolina, says he's staying in the race. Who let the dogs out?

Is Newt this gross? Maybe.


  1. Love the graphic! And your point! Why he gets a pass from the far right is totally beyond me. I guess the Party insiders wanted a pit bull and apparently, that's what they got.

  2. @PJ, I borrow my graphics from around the web (as do you, I think). There are a lot of talented people out there.

    I speculated on Bernstein today that Newt is the id of the Republican party. Just think the ways that's true: libido, eating, grandiosity, greed, tantrums, insults, impulsiveness, self-centeredness, etc.

  3. Good point. The Seven Deadly Sins by another name.


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