"I learned so much law listening to Orrin Hatch. We all remember his
memorable performances on the Senate Judiciary Committee. I was
particularly influenced by him in my 20s and 30s during the Reagan and
Bush I eras. His efforts to save the nomination of Clarence Thomas were
truly heroic. Thomas was a weak candidate to begin with and the Anita
Hill allegations seemed to many to be more than enough to doom his
nomination. But Hatch took it upon himself to resurrect Thomas, and
Clarence Thomas sits on the Supreme Court today as a result of the
supreme efforts of Orrin Hatch. It takes a man with a very special gift
to place a complete ignoramus on the U.S. Supreme Court." - Wall Street Journal
Courtroom of the Supreme Court
Background - Like other Republican senators, Orrin Hatch was been judged a RINO by Tea Partiers and faces Republicans challengers for his seat, which prompted this
news item and attached comments. I have a
soft spot for Orrin Hatch, who seems to me one of the most decent and respectful politicians.
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