Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ludicrous Attack(s) of the Day

This isn't going to be a regular feature because I try to spend my time of issues of more consequence that the pitiful drivel emanating from various partisans' mouths. But there were two today that are useful as object lessons.

#1. Inventing new stupid reasons to attack an opponent
Maybe you're a low-level peon in a campaign or think tank, but you aspire to higher station. You want to cover yourself in glory by inventing a whole new topic for attacks... since job performance and sanity in policy planning are already taken. You strain your brain, and decide to attack an opponent's staffer over whom she follows on Twitter. Will all staffers now have to scrub their Twitter accounts? Only if stupidity reigns, which happens sometimes.

#2. Insulting how the other half lives
Hilary Rosen was trying to make a point that Romney is out of touch with women, but she managed to prove that she was out of touch with a sizable segment of women. It isn't enough for Romney to listen to his wife, who "has actually never worked a day in her life."

A bit of an unforced error there. She had no need to belittle Ann Romney personally. If Romney is doing badly on women's issues, it's because his wife didn't work? That doesn't seem like an explanation to me. That seems like an obviously fake explanation, and makes me wonder if Romney is actually a pig on women's issues. Maybe this whole attack was a pantomime farce to fill airtime on CNN.

Here's an idea: focus on the real problems, not the ones that have to be plumped up to make them look like problems.

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  1. Have you read "We're with Nobody" by Allan Huffman and Michael Rejebian? An excellent read this election year about opposition research.

  2. @PJ,
    I don't read many books, so no. I'm looking forward to seeing what OpRes got on Romney and Bain Capital. Does it say what we might be seeing about Obama?


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