Monday, April 23, 2012

Open thread: Assigned reading

What are the best political sites? Who should I read to broaden my thinking?

One request--nothing long. No books. And tell me why I should read someone. What makes it worth your time or mine?

1 comment:

  1. MP - I generally stop by these sites when I have the time:

    Matt Glassman
    The Monkey Cage
    Greg Mankiw
    A Plain Blog About Politics
    Zero Hedge
    Project Syndicate
    Keith Hennessey

    Plus the Economist, WaPo and the Boston Globe from time to time. And whatever else looks interesting that is linked to from any of the above.

    I like smart writing and am always looking to fill in my own blind spots. I tend to be more interested in economic related matters of public policy than I am the social ones, but sometimes I dig in on those too.


Please keep comments short and free of personal insults. Insults such as libtard, Obummer, Repug, wingnut, and moonbat are not welcome and will be edited or deleted. Cliches we've all heard before will be deleted, so make sure there is substance to your remarks. Links to data are very welcome so we can all learn and interpret for ourselves.

Anonymous comments are welcome, but it's better if you click on "Name/URL" and enter any screen name. Thank you.