"The louder the politicians squeal about sequestration the better I like it." - WSJ commentThe comments were generally quite pro-sequester. That means the portion of the public that's paying attention is more realistic and pragmatic than the elected officials.
I've come to think that the sequester was the best Congressional action of 2011. They finally began to face the huge task of cutting the deficit. They also accepted, if only for a microsecond, that the pain was going to be spread broadly instead of being shoved onto the "other side."
I'm going to make a prediction. After Obama details the cuts, as the House and Senate are requiring him to do, there will be:
- A brief period of trumped-up outrage.
- Then a period of mellowing.
- Then general acceptance of the cuts as positive change in government, with a few remnants of dissent by the habitually outraged.
Not a workable solution
Image: jlnavarro.blogspot.com
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