- Is Late Term Abortion Ever Necessary? This author, a pro-life GYN, argues that it never is. She prefers that a mother carrying fetus with severe problems go to full-term. The doctor is so opposed to abortion that she doesn't defer the decision to the mother. I do because I respect the opinions and experience of the mother, who will deal with the weeks of heartbreak and anxiety during the wait and care for the disabled baby once it's born. No dice, Doc. You didn't convince me.
- The story of a woman who had one of those late term abortions, the reason she died, and how her story is twisted for propaganda.
A blog of political positions and thoughts, from a liberal who evolved into a moderate, and who keeps on evolving. Open-minded analysis. Plain writing. Occasional profanity.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Short: Abortion reading
Not everyone's favorite topic, but worthwhile if you have the interest:
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