- Waterboarding is torture per someone who's experienced it.
- Why Romney lost. Best comment. Also look at Aaron B's comment, if you want to take the time to find it.
- NYT visits young GOPers trying to figure out what went wrong.
- Why Dems insist on tax increases.
- Remember when the GOP was spinning all these theories about Benghazi? Here's a lie and its evolution. Quaint. Now everyone is scared to look for the truth.
- The Political Lie Machine: Obamacare plans will cost $20,000.
- Mark Manes, the man who sold a gun used at Columbine. He's not evil or callous, so find out how it happened.
- Yet another gun story with an unhappy ending: veteran shot in Texas.
- Citation of a study showing that capital gains/dividends are the leading causes of income equality.
- Long NYT article on the 2011 debt deal negotiations.
Image: bostonmagazine.com
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