Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Ukraine update

Impeachment hearings are moving along, but that doesn't interest me too much. The process is going to be something, and it probably won't be outrageous though the Republicans will claim it is.

Here are some interesting developments:

Follow the phone calls. Who was Giuliani calling and what were the conversations? The intelligence committee subpoenaed records and got the info. This would be an interesting avenue if Giuliani could be induced to answer honestly. But that is so unlikely.

Withholding foreign aid. Trump has done this before, with big announcements about how countries to our south aren't complying with our reasonable requests. This article is a reminder of how foreign aid is handled in legitimate ways. It looks decidedly different from what happened with Ukrainian aid. Damn, I wish the Republicans would stop covering up for Trump and acknowledge that evidence right in front of them.

Dog and pony show. Hilarious attempt by Giuliani to shift the narrative to Biden. Yeah, right. Only propaganda outlets will show his version. News has erupted all over the Ukraine situation, and Giuliani's version is clearly not real news.

Image: axios.com


  1. Thanks for all you do in defense of sanity, justice and a better American way than what the republicans have proposed and delivered to date, thru history.

    You are so far outta my and many others league, though I will attempt to follow along and learn w what limited time allowed.

    Im new to politics, after voting only on abortion issues, as millions of others, and dragging US and the world back Decades on that alone:( For that I am deeply remorseful, though I will attempt to educate and stay informed forward, thru and because of others as yourself, in personal commitment to saving our republic, and being part of the ripples that make positive change against a growingly dishonest $ystem of greed and power for $ome intent on evil. Best

  2. @ed, thanks for the comment. I'm well versed in politics, going on many decades of paying attention and trying to ask the hard questions. Ask me anything and I'll do my best to answer in an open, honest, and non-partisan way.


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