Monday, February 24, 2020

February links

NYT endorses Warren and Klobuchar. (Didn't do any good for Warren.)

Virginia gun rights rally. Virginia Beach after mass shooting. Gun rights view. WaPo coverage. White supremacists arrested before arriving. Capsule report: it was peaceful. Solid people taking the issue seriously.

Questions for witnesses in abuse of power.

Strategy for Dems. Clear list, but do I agree?

Child abuse? A terrifying case of investigative abuse against a family.

Analysis on national-wide injunctions as judicial activism.

Bernie loves campaigning and hates governing. Oy, another one.

Did socialism ruin Venezuela? The article hedges, but it seems like it did. Moderate depth.

Trump is trying to demoralize his opponents so they give up.

US federal budgets continue to be smoke and mirrors and red ink. WE'RE DOOMED.

Written by socialists, this article tells why Bernie is just the beginning. Probably a fair representation of socialists, including their intense dislike of capitalism. Are we doomed again?


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