Monday, July 10, 2023

Jan. 6 trials and their results

The trials of the various Jan. 6 rioters and coup-plotters is a very long process, so I'll start this post and keep adding to it. Therefore it will be incomplete, and perhaps mostly a mess. 

Oathkeepers. They were highly involved in the Stop the Steal rhetoric and protests, emphasizing that they were willing to due Trump's bidding and defeat the deep state. Rhodes used rhethoric like "if we don't, there will be no more republic." They did appear to have a plan to infiltrate Congress and intimidate the elected officials and stop the peaceful, orderly transfer of power based on the certified election results. "We are sticking together and sticking to the plan,"  texted Jessica Watkins that afternoon. It wasn't a good plan or a successful plan, but it was a plan, and that is sedition. Testimony here

A juror talks about the Oathkeepers trial and the deliberations. She was very focused on the evidence, as was a lawyer in the jury. They had to overcome the bias of some jurors against any convictions. Some of the damning messages between Oathkeepers that led to convictions. 

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