Thursday, August 2, 2012

Acting like a 1-year-old

This blog is having a birthday. It was born because of the turmoil of political ideas that swarmed my head last August. There has barely been a lull since then. Here are some stats:
  • Pageviews so far:               15,107 (but not every visit gets counted)
  • Posts:                                          233
  • Comments:                                568
  • Censored comments:                  5
  • Top five posts:   
  1. Cross of Gold--because many people search for images of gold
  2. My budget proposal 
  3. The truth about media bias 
  4. Ron Paul - Missing in the media 
  5. The Political Lie Machine: Dems caused the mortgage meltdown
    • Surprising places where my blog has been read: Laos, Myanmar, Mongolia, Jamaica (I wouldn't read this if I was in Jamaica), Burkina Faso.
    • Ambitions:                Who knows.
    Thanks to all the readers and especially to those who comment, thus making this blog a group project. Please keep coming.

    Happy Birthday with occasional profanity


    1. Congrats. I know only too well how much effort goes into keeping blogs going. It truly is a thankless job but, on the other hand, the reward of getting to vent is priceless.

      Keep up the great work. Even though I don't comment all that often on your blog, I read most postings. Again, on the upside, I always enjoy your postings on my blog, particularly when you get "into it" with someone. At least then I know that I've made people think; the entire point of the exercise.

    2. @PJ, Making people think is the whole point, isn't it? Starting with ourselves, of course.

    3. Exactly. Since I've been writing, I find that, at least now, I can put two relatively coherent thoughts together...usually.


    Please keep comments short and free of personal insults. Insults such as libtard, Obummer, Repug, wingnut, and moonbat are not welcome and will be edited or deleted. Cliches we've all heard before will be deleted, so make sure there is substance to your remarks. Links to data are very welcome so we can all learn and interpret for ourselves.

    Anonymous comments are welcome, but it's better if you click on "Name/URL" and enter any screen name. Thank you.