Monday, November 19, 2012

Short: End the bad candidates

The GOP senators have decided that they have to get more involved in the primaries that pick the senatorial candidates. They don't want repeats on Sharron Angle, Christine O'Donnell, Todd Akin, and even Richard Mourdock. You can bet that every prospective candidate will be asked about rape, pregnancy, and abortion. They might have a couple chance to get to an acceptable formula, but otherwise they're out. Whether the GOP establishment, and that's what they'll be, can enforce this is another question.

The senators involved in this no-more-mistakes effort include Rob Portman, and the newly elected Ted Cruz, who is supposed to reach to Tea Party groups. Since the Tea Party has not exactly welcomed the gentle guidance from the establishment, we'll see how that goes.

By the way, according to Ted Cruz, Romney french-kissed Obama in the last debate. Oy vey.


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