I've seen Ted Cruz
labeled an extremist so many times, and that's generally my own impression, but I forgot to actually ask the question whether he is an extremist. Does Cruz actually hold extreme positions? His most well-known position was being against Obamacare, which is so common among Republicans that it can't be called extremist. So I wondered about extremist positions--whether he's advocated truly extreme positions such as deporting or locking up large numbers of people, establishing religious tests for civil rights, overthrowing the current government by insurrection, or some such.
I don't remember any policy position like that. But where did the impression of extremism come from then? It could be his rhetoric, such as calling Obama an
apologist for Islamist terrorists. That's an extreme thing for an elected official to say out loud. It's more typical of political shock-jocks, not those who are supposed to be responsible, judicious, and fair.
Looking at Cruz's rhetoric, it's easy to find violations of the norms.
He'll imply that Obama is a totalitarian, or that former senator Chuck Hagel was in the pay of North Korea. He'll advocate
carpet bombing in the Mideast, as though carpet bombing didn't mean killing or wounding every living person in the effected area. It's the equivalent of say "Kill them all and
let God sort them out."
His associations are scary. His father, Rev. Raphael Cruz, who frequently campaigns with Ted (making it hard for the son to distance himself) says such things as Obama is
trying to destroy Christianity in the US. Other extreme associations include
supporters of Uganda's death penalty for homosexuals.
Cruz's tactics aren't mainstream. When the GOP in Congress was voting in vain to repeal Obamacare, Cruz encouraged the '
defund Obamacare' strategy, though perhaps it was rhetoric and
not meant to be seriously followed as a strategy. Nonetheless, it led to a government shutdown, and Cruz got much of the credit and/or blame.
I'm not sure I can point to other tactics that might be considered extreme, so I guess Cruz's extremism is primarily in his rhetoric and somewhat in his associations. But there's plenty of that. Just Google it.
Image: wrongforminnestoa.com
Extras. Quite the catalog on Ted Cruz at
Right Wing Watch. Outlawing abortion without a constitutional amendment?
Totally possible. Here are those
8 outrageous quotes. A
fake Cruz quote, so don't trust memes.